Corsmed's MRI simulator computes, simulates and measures the MR-signal for each spin, within every voxel, for the selected anatomical volume, for each time step of the pulse sequence. That measurement represents the evolution of the MR-signal throughout the application of the pulse sequence, which is then used to construct the K-space (raw data), and from that reconstruct the MR image (through an inverse Fourier transform).
As such, we should expect that if one enters the same inputs (parameter, patient, sequence, etc.) into a real scanner and into a True MRI simulator, the true MRI simulator will return the same resulting image as a real scanner (this includes FOV, image position, resolution, scan-time, SNR, contrast, SAR, artifacts, etc.).
The Platform also includes an Education Management System which has courses, modules about MRI physics and anatomy for education, training and assessment
Birger Jarlsgatan 57Stockholm
113 56