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Unofficial vendors warning

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Unofficial vendors warning

Unofficial vendors warning

The International Imaging Congress has received reports of exhibitors being approached by companies that are NOT working with ROAR B2B. These external companies claim to be outsourced by ROAR B2B and are offering several services such as hotel bookings, visitor attendee list data and show guide advertising.

Scam Warning: Fake Data Lists

We will never sell or share our visitor data list! Some firms contact exhibitors claiming to either work with us or to pose as us saying they have the visitor list with full contact details and offer to sell it to you. This is a scam. We do not and will never sell our data. If you are approached by such a company, please do not make a purchase, the data is fake and entirely illegal. If you are contacted with such solicitations, please make your Customer Success Manager aware.

Scam Warning: Show Guide

We work internally or with a team of trusted graphic designers to create the show guide. If we require more information from you, either your Customer Success Manager or the Marketing Department will be in contact with you. We will certainly not try and charge you for additional show guide related inclusions after your exhibiting package has been agreed. If you are approached and asked to pay for additional advertising by an external company, please do not agree anything and let your Customer Success Manager know.

International Fairs Directory

If you exhibit in the UK or overseas you may hear from INTERNATIONAL FAIRS DIRECTORY (IFD), INTER-FAIRS, EXPO-GUIDE, or FAIRGUIDE or CONSTRUCT DATA. This fake directory and listing scam has been going on for over 25 years. You will receive an official-looking form (by email or by post), but the catalogue, directory and online listings referred to do not exist and you will be signing up to a three-year advertising contract in an “International Fairs Directory” or web listing which will cost hundreds. If you do get caught out, you should report this to the Government’s Anti-Fraud office,  Action Fraud, which is run by the City of London Police.

Scam Warning: Hotel Reservations

Some exhibitors have reported being targeted by companies claiming to be working with the event and able to book accommodation for all those attending. We believe this to be a scam. We have official hotel partners for the event and information on these can be found on the exhibitor dashboard. If you are approached and asked to book your accommodation through a third-party company, please let us know immediately.

If you are approached by an external company offering any of the above services, or anything you are unsure of, please don’t purchase anything. Please get in contact with your Customer Success Manager or the Sales Manager you booked your package with.